The rector of the University of Málaga, José Ángel Narváez and the administrator of AEORUM España, Jesús García Merino, have signed the agreement that initiate AEORUM’s Chair of Technologies for Security and Defence, with the aim of creating and supporting a stable framework of collaboration between both institutions.
This way, through the Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering, the University of Málaga will initiate the Chair, whose aim is the joint participation of both entities in national and European projects, as well as the transference of knowledge and the exchange of experiences and results of the investigation in the field of Technologies for Security and Defence.
Among other activities, the Chair will boost the granting of scholarships to carry out studies and researches that allow the elaboration of Degree Final Projects or Doctoral Thesis in those fields that contribute to the compliance of the Chair’s aims; the organization of working sessions, debates, conferences related to the theme; the granting of an award to the best Degree Final Project than can combine academic rigour and professional practice, as well as the formalization of networks and lines of cooperation with other entities or civil and military institutions of renowned prestige.